Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Haven't updated in awhile.

Enjoyed San Francisco. Very strange city. Very segregated in a strange way. Took it easy and went to the international vegetarian festival and met cool peeps. Kinda was in the wrong mood to appreciate it though. Did learn about vegan/nut cheeses though and well. I now have a book and riccotto cheese can be made from macadamias :D

There's something wrong with the fact that the best cheese by several miles that I have tasted so far, in America, has been vegan.

Currently on a plane to New York. In the middle of the night.  Because in America, you can get 'reasonably' priced wifi on domestic flights. But poor organisation of your important infrastructure.

The future is a bizarre place. Cannot wait till my sunnies come with virtual enhancements to the real world. Can you imagine being able to IM (like emailing, but shorter and instant) while walking around and through your eyes? Or while gardening? Well if you can't you should Doktor Sleepless, but otherwise let me look forward to it.

And now I try and nap.

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